Families Promoting Multigenerational Wealth

You have a complex situation that should consider multiple generations. Distributing and sharing wealth, building a family enterprise, and enjoying life while you do it requires intentionality. We embed thoughtfulness in our planning and our conversations.

Most of us lead busy lives and don’t necessarily have an opportunity for reflection on how our deeply held values and beliefs have influenced both our accumulation of wealth and our priorities for its use.

Everyone seen, heard, prioritized.

As a multi-family office, our mission is two-fold: (1) Empower each generation to fulfill their role in furthering the purpose of the family’s wealth, and (2) Engage each member of the family to discover their unique ability to enrich their world.

Depending on where you are in life’s journey, our services could involve quantifying your wealth, hosting family meetings, and considering gifting strategies to family or charity. We want your core values to be the anchor to key decisions and during life milestones. Through our private client services, we can help you and your loved ones every step of the way.

Questions we ask the families we serve:
  • What behaviors and beliefs have supported your success and how have they allowed you to continue to maintain and grow your wealth?
  • What has your wealth allowed you to do during your lifetime and why that was important to you and your family?
  • What has been the role of philanthropy in your family? Why?
  • What are the threats to your family’s financial well-being? Do you foresee any obstacles to achieving your goals?

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