
Balancing College Funding with Retirement Savings

Published by Beth Schanou, Director of Wealth and Estate Planning and the Carson Wealth Investment Committee Our clients have a wide range of goals when it comes to their finances. One goal many parents share is funding at least a portion of their children’s college education expenses.

Commission, Fee Based or the Combo?

Published by Jason Comes | @Jason_Comes Which is the best way to compensate someone who helps you with your investments/finances? Would paying per transaction be best or via a percentage of the assets? Do you think the advisor could be objective if he or she would earn a commission investin …

Entrepreneurial Takeaways from Robert Herjavec

Published by Meg Ronspies, Marketing Coordinator “Don’t be boring. Remember that the first thing people buy is people.” Normally seated amongst four other “sharks,” Robert Herjavec shared with attendees of the 2016 Excell Conference some entrepreneurial advice last month.

The Power of Passing it Forward

Published by Jim Quigley I recently attended my first college scholarship night. The students and parents sat in the audience as 30 separate presenters told their scholarship story and called up the chosen student to receive their award.

Doing Good Gets More

For the last several years I have had the privilege of traveling with family, friends and strangers to serve the poor overseas.

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