Millennial vs. Boomer: Deciding the Big One

Published by Mark Petersen & Alexis Rauschkolb No! Even though Alexis Rauschkolb works in Carson Wealth’s San Francisco Bay Area office, we are not debating the next big earthquake in California. Carson Wealth Management spends a lot of time thinking about “Next Generation” …

Financial Security for Seniors

Published by Mark Lookabill When most people hear “financial security for seniors,” their minds immediately begin to think, “Do I have enough money for retirement?” We address this paramount topic as part of a client’s comprehensive wealth plan. All a person needs to do is a simple Google s …

5 Stupid Things People Do With Their Money

Are there any financial mistakes you would warn yourself about or maybe an opportunity you’d like to share? We all wish we would have invested in one of the big tech companies during the initial public offering or maybe make a 35-1 odds bet on that underdog team who won the Super bowl.

Should You Pay Down Your Debt or Invest Your Money?

One of the most common questions clients ask me, is whether they should pay down their debt or invest the extra money in the market. Most of us carry some percentage of debt in our balance sheets. Some of us don’t mind having debt.

My Best Piece of Financial Advice for Women

There is a lot of bad advice out there for women, financial and otherwise. My heart breaks for the women in my office in their late 50’s that are facing a divorce and have no idea where their assets are or even what they have. Or, for the 25 year old with $100,000 in student …

The Roadmap to Student Debt: Saving or Paying your Path to a Successful Future

Once upon a time, I walked into an educational institution wearing cargo shorts and carrying a pen, one hundred dollars and a whole lot of excitement. Four years later, I walked across a stage carrying a diploma, intelligence, confidence and a whole lot of debt. Many people lie in bed each …

Protecting Your Wealth

Published By Omani Carson It’s a confusing time for ultra-high-net-worth investors who have already accumulated their wealth and need to protect it.

How to Identify and Avoid Fraudulent Communications or “Phishing”

In this day and age, electronic communication has made huge improvements toward making communications quick and convenient. However, we must remain vigilant in protecting our valuable personal information. We believe the best safeguard is for you to educate yourself on what “phishing” is, h …

Glad I Did vs Wish I Had

Published by Paul West We’ve all been there. Something we wanted to do in our lives we let time go by and we missed it. Family trip. Drink with a friend. Kid’s school program. Why does this happen? It’s simple. I’ve experienced it too. We end up always trying to do too much.

How To Choose The Right Investment Professional For You

Published by Andrew Rogers, Strategic Opportunities Associate If you are anything like me, what you want to do with your money and what you should do with your money are almost the exact same list in the completely opposite order.

What’s Your Spending Kryptonite?

Published by Minna Burns I like to clean. As I’m scouring my kitchen and reach for a paper towel, I discover the roll is empty. No problem, I think; I’ll run to the store and get more. I pass my local supermarket but I keep driving. I pull into the parking lot of another store …

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